Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cromars Progress

My parents sold my diamond back, so i will have to use my sons Thomas the Train Bike. I will try and take off the training wheels, the bike should work for the triathalon, I just need to add a water bottle clip.

I went up and down our stairs 4 times yesterday, once with me carrying Myles. I am gonna try 5 times tomorrow.

Has been too cold and snowy here to even consider swimming or running, so i have busted out my old atari and have been playing Track and Feild. At least I can think about it..............

1 comment:

mamaspeedo said...

don't train too hard too early. by the time the TRI comes around, you will be so fit, you won't want to waste your time in Rexburg, and go straight to the New York Marathon!